Cold heading dies

  • Cold heading dies

    Cold heading dies

  • Cold heading dies

    Cold heading dies

  • Cold heading dies

    Cold heading dies

  • Cold heading dies

    Cold heading dies

  • Cold heading dies

    Cold heading dies

  • Cold heading dies

    Cold heading dies

  • Cold heading dies

    Cold heading dies

  • Cold heading dies

    Cold heading dies


Made of 100% virgin carbide raw material, with good impact toughness, and high wear resistance, our carbide cold heading dies are used for manufacturing watch part, battery jar, steel ball, screw, bolt, etc. 

Grades of cold heading dies

Grade Density
YG11 14.4 2600 88.5 Stamping dies for metal and nonmetal powder
YG15 14.0 2800 87.5 Drawing dies for steel tubes and rods under High compressibility ratio
YG20 13.5 3200 85.5 Stamping dies for watch parts, spring plates of musical instruments, battery jars, steel balls, screws
YG16C 13.9 2900 85.5 Impact resistant forging dies
YG18C 13.7 3100 84.5 Impact resistant forging dies, hot-press forging dies and rollers
YG20C 13.5 3300 83.5 Impact resistant application
YG22C 13.3 3500 83.0 Nut forming dies and high impact resistant forging dies
YG25C 13.1 3600 82.5 Stainless bolt header dies

Carbide cold heading dies
Zhuzhou ourek hard alloy co. LTD_Carbide Cutting tools|Carbide end mills|Carbide rotary burrs
Die blanks with sink
Zhuzhou ourek hard alloy co. LTD_Carbide Cutting tools|Carbide end mills|Carbide rotary burrs
  Type Dimension
d D L d1 α
BC0281330 2.8 13 30 7 90
BC0381630 3.8 16 30 8.5 90
BC0381640 3.8 16 40 8.5 90
BC0382250 3.8 22 50 8.5 90
BC0461630 4.6 16 30 10.5 90
BC0462250 4.6 22 50 10.5 90
BC0643030 6.4 30 30 15 90
BC0643055 6.4 30 55 15 90
BC0823655 8.2 36 55 18 90
BC1004055 10 40 55 22 90
BC1184555 11.8 45 55 25 90
BC1386060 13.8 60 60 29 90
Tolerances of the inner diameter(d) of the blanks as per table below(mm)
Nominal inner dia. Nominal length
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
≤6 0-0.45 0-0.55 0-0.65 -
>6-10 0-0.50 0-0.60 0-0.70 0-0.80
>10-14 0-0.55 0-0.70 0-0.80 0-0.90
>14-18 0-0.60 0-0.80 0-0.90 0-1.00
>18-24 0-0.65 0-0.90 0-1.00 0-1.10
>24 0-0.70 0-1.00 0-1.10 0-1.20
Tolerance of out diameter(D) as table below(mm)
Nominal out diameters Nominal length
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
  ≤14 +0.50
>14-18 +0.55
>18-24 +0.60
>24-30 +0.65
>30-45 +0.70
>44-55 +0.75
>55   - +0.90
Tolerance of blank height(H) as table below (mm)
Nominal out diameters Nominal diameters
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
  ≤14 +0.50
>14-18 +0.55
>18-24 +0.60 +0.60
-0.40 -0.40
+0.65 +0.70
-0.45 -0.45
>24-30 +0.65 +0.65
-0.45 -0.45
+0.70 +0.75
-0.50 -0.50
>30-45 +0.70 +0.70
-0.50 -0.50
+0.75 +0.80
-0.60 -0.60
>44-55 +0.75
>55   - +0.90
Heading die blanks for making standard bolts
Zhuzhou ourek hard alloy co. LTD_Carbide Cutting tools|Carbide end mills|Carbide rotary burrs
Type Dimension Range
of applications
d D L
Range of L
BDP00710- 0.7 10 12.0~20.0 M1
BDP01010- 1.0 10 12.0~20.0 M1.5~M2
BDP01013- 1.0 13 15.4-40.0 M1.5~M2
BDP01213- 1.2 13 15.4-40.0 M1.5~M2
BDP01510- 1.5 10 12.0~25.0 M2
BDP01516- 1.5 16 15.0-45.0 M2
BDP01813- 1.8 13 12.0~35.0 M2.5
BDP01816- 1.8 16 20.0-45.0 M2.5
BDP02113- 2.1 13 15.0~30.0 M3
BDP02116- 2.1 16 25.0-45.0 M3
BDP02316- 2.3 16 15.0-45.0 M3
BDP02522- 2.5 22 20.0-60.0 M3
BDP02813- 2.8 13 15.0~30.0 M4
BDP02816- 2.8 16 25.0-40.0 M4
BDP02818- 2.8 18 20.0-50.0 M4
BDP02820- 2.8 20 20.0-50.0 M4
BDP02822- 2.8 22 20.0-60.0 M4
BDP02825- 2.8 25 20.0-60.0 M4
BDP03216- 3.2 16 15.0-45.0 M4
BDP03218- 3.2 18 15.0-50.0 M4
BDP03616- 3.6 16 20.0-50.0 M5
BDP03618- 3.6 18 20.0-60.0 M5
BDP03822- 3.8 22 20.0~40.0 M5
BDP03830- 3.8 30 50.0~60.0 M5
BDP04218- 4.2 18 20.0-60.0 M5
BDP04616- 4.6 16 20.0~30.0 M6
BDP04622- 4.6 22 35.0~60.0 M6
BDP05422- 5.4 22 20.0~60.0 M6
BDP06422- 6.4 22 20.0~60.0 M8
BDP06425- 6.4 25 20.0~50.0 M8
BDP06430- 6.4 30 25.0~60.0 M8
BDP07230- 7.2 30 20.0~60.0 M10
BDP08230- 8.2 30 20.0~60.0 M10
BDP08235- 8.2 35 30.0~60.0 M10
BDP09230- 9.2 30 20.0~60.0 M12
BDP10030- 10.0 30 20.0~60.0 M12
BDP10035- 10.0 35 30.0~60.0 M12
BDP11235- 11.2 35 20.0~60.0 M12
BDP11240- 11.2 40 20.0~60.0 M12
BDP11835- 11.8 35 20.0~60.0 M14
BDP11840- 11.8 40 25.0~30.0 M14
BDP13235- 13.2 35 25.0~60.0 M14
BDP13240- 13.2 40 25.0~50.0 M14
BDP13835- 13.8 35 20.0~60.0 M16
BDP13840- 13.8 40 25.0~35.0 M16
BDP14445- 14.4 45 25.0~60.0 M16
BDP15445- 15.4 45 30.0~50.0 M18
BDP16445- 16.4 45 25.0~60.0 M20
BDP17445- 17.4 45 25.0~60.0 M20
BDP19445- 19.4 45 25.0~55.0 M22
BDP21050- 21.0 50 25.0~55.0 M24
BDP24460- 24.4 60 30.0~50.0 M27
Tolerance of the inner diameter(d) of the blanks as per table below(mm)
Nominal inner dia. Nominal length
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
≤6 0-0.45 0-0.55 0-0.65 -
>6-10 0-0.50 0-0.60 0-0.70 0-0.80
>10-14 0-0.55 0-0.70 0-0.80 0-0.90
>14-18 0-0.60 0-0.80 0-0.90 0-1.00
>18-24 0-0.65 0-0.90 0-1.00 0-1.10
>24 0-0.70 0-1.00 0-1.10 0-1.20
Tolerance of out diameter(D) as per table below(mm)
Nominal out diameters Nominal length
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50

>14-18 +0.55
>18-24 +0.60
>24-30 +0.65
>30-45 +0.70
>44-55 +0.75

Tolerance of blank height(H) as per table below(mm)
Nominal out diameters Nominal diameters
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
≤14 +0.50
>14-18 +0.55
>18-24 +0.60
>24-30 +0.65
>30-45 +0.70
>44-55 +0.75
>55 - +0.90
The flatness as per table below

Nominal length ≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
Flatness ≤ 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.55
Heading die blanks for making hexagonal nuts
Zhuzhou ourek hard alloy co. LTD_Carbide Cutting tools|Carbide end mills|Carbide rotary burrs

Type Dimension   Type Dimension
  S   D Range of L α。   S   D Range of L α。
BF02612- 2.6 12 8-12 - BF12028- 12.0 28 18 5-7
BF03316- 3.3 16 8-12 - BF12132- 12.1 32 8-12  
BF03412- 3.4 12 8-12 - BF12132- 12.1 32 18-22  
BF04316- 4.3 16 8-12 - BF13236- 13.2 36 20-24  
BF04416- 4.4 16 10-14 - BF13236- 13.2 36 26-34  
BF04816- 4.8 16 12-16 - BF13728- 13.7 28 12 5-7
BF04820- 4.8 20 12-16 - BF14036- 14.0 36 25 5-7
BF06120- 6.1 20 5 5-7 BF15040- 15.0 40 22-24  
BF06320- 6.3 20 14-18 - BF15040- 15.0 40 26-34  
BF06320- 6.3 20 14-18 - BF16734- 16.7 34 12 5-7
BF07220- 7.2 20 6 5-7 BF17039- 17.0 39 30 5-7
BF07224- 7.2 24 14-18 - BF17044- 17.0 44 26-34  
BF07328- 7.3 28 14-18 - BF17936- 17.9 36 13.5 5-7
BF07328- 7.3 28 18-22 - BF19044- 19.0 44 18.5 5-7
BF08920- 8.9 20 7 5-7 BF19952- 19.9 52 34-38  
BF09022- 9.0 22 8 5-7 BF20543- 20.5 43 16.5 5-7
BF09126- 9.1 26 16 5-7 BF22458- 22.4 58 20.5 5-7
BF09230- 9.2 30 14-18 - BF22858- 22.8 58 36-44  
BF09328- 9.3 28 14-18 - BF22863- 22.8 63 44.5 5-7
BF09328- 9.3 28 18-22 - BF22944- 22.9 44 17.0 5-7
BF11236- 11.2 36 20-24 - BF28172- 28.1 72 45-55  
BF11236- 11.2 36 26-34 - BF28759- 28.7 59 24.0 5-7
BF11732- 11.7 32 19 5-7        
Tolerance of inner diameter(d) of the blanks as per table below(mm)
  Nominal inner dia. Nominal length
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
≤6 0-0.45 0-0.55 0-0.65 -
>6-10 0-0.50 0-0.60 0-0.70 0-0.80
>10-14 0-0.55 0-0.70 0-0.80 0-0.90
>14-18 0-0.60 0-0.80 0-0.90 0-1.00
>18-24 0-0.65 0-0.90 0-1.00 0-1.10
>24 0-0.70 0-1.00 0-1.10 0-1.20
Tolerance of out diameter(D) as per table below(mm)

Nominal out diameters Nominal length
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50

>14-18 +0.55
>18-24 +0.60
>24-30 +0.65
>30-45 +0.70 +0.70
-0.50 -0.50
+0.75 +0.80
-0.60 -0.60
>44-55 +0.75

Tolerance of blank height(H) as per table below(mm)
Nominal out diameters Nominal diameters
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
  ≤14 +0.50
>14-18 +0.55
>18-24 +0.60 +0.60
-0.40 -0.40
+0.65 +0.70
-0.45 -0.45
>24-30 +0.65
>30-45 +0.70
>44-55 +0.75
>55   - +0.90
The flatness as per table below
Nominal length ≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
Flatness ≤ 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.55
Punching die blanks for making steel balls

Type Dimension (mm)
d1 D H d h r1 r2
BG01812102 1.8 12.2 10.2 0.8 0.5 0.4 1.0
BG02212102 2.2 12.2 10.2 0.8 0.7 0.4 1.0
BG02612102 2.6 12.2 10.2 0.9 0.9 0.4 1.0
BG03012102 3.0 12.2 10.2 0.9 1.2 0.4 1.0
BG03412102 3.4 12.2 10.2 0.9 1.3 0.4 1.0
BG02812102 3.8 12.2 10.2 0.9 1.5 0.4 1.0
BG04212102 4.2 12.2 10.2 0.9 1.7 0.4 1.0
BG04812102 4.8 12.2 10.2 0.9 2.0 0.4 1.0
BG05215122 5.2 15.2 12.2 0.9 2.2 0.6 1.5
BG05615122 5.6 15.2 12.2 1.3 2.3 0.6 1.5
BG06015122 6.0 15.2 12.2 1.3 2.5 0.6 1.5
BG06515122 6.5 15.2 12.2 1.3 2.8 0.6 1.5
BG06820152 6.8 20.2 15.2 1.3 2.8 0.6 1.5
BG07320152 7.3 20.2 15.2 1.8 3.1 0.6 1.5
BG08120152 8.1 20.2 15.2 1.8 3.5 0.6 1.5
BG08620152 8.6 20.2 15.2 1.8 3.8 0.6 1.5
BG09625202 9.6 25.3 20.2 2.3 4.2 0.8 2.0
BG10225202 10.2 25.3 20.2 2.3 4.6 0.8 2.0
BG10525202 10.5 25.3 20.2 2.3 5.0 0.8 2.0
BG11225202 11.2 25.3 20.2 2.3 5.0 0.8 2.0
BG11630202 11.6 30.3 20.2 2.3 5.0 0.8 2.0
BG12030202 12.0 30.3 20.2 2.8 5.4 0.8 2.0
BG12430202 12.4 30.3 20.2 2.8 5.6 0.8 2.0
BG12830202 12.8 30.3 20.2 2.8 5.8 0.8 2.0
BG13730202 13.7 30.3 20.2 2.8 6.2 0.8 2.0
BG14030202 14.0 30.3 20.2 2.8 6.2 0.8 2.0
BG14530202 14.5 30.3 20.2 3.3 6.6 0.8 2.0
BG15335252 15.3 35.4 25.2 3.3 7.0 0.8 2.0
BG16035252 16.0 35.4 25.2 3.3 7.3 0.8 2.0
BG16835252 16.8 35.4 25.2 3.3 7.7 0.8 2.0
BG17235252 17.2 35.4 25.2 3.8 7.7 0.8 2.0
BG17640252 17.6 40.4 25.2 3.8 8.0 0.8 2.0
BG18440252 18.4 40.4 25.2 3.8 8.3 0.8 2.0
BG19240252 19.2 40.4 25.2 3.8 8.7 0.8 2.0
BG20045302 20.0 45.4 30.2 3.8 9.1 1.0 2.5
BG20845302 20.8 45.4 30.2 3.8 9.5 1.0 2.5
BG21645302 21.6 45.4 30.2 3.8 9.8 1.0 2.5
BG22445302 22.4 45.4 30.2 3.8 10.2 1.0 2.5
BG23250302 23.2 50.4 30.2 4.3 10.6 1.0 2.5
BG24050302 24.0 50.4 30.2 4.3 11.0 1.0 2.5
BG24850302 24.8 50.4 30.2 4.3 11.4 1.0 2.5
BG25550302 25.5 50.4 30.2 4.3 11.8 1.0 2.5
Tolerance of outer diameter (D) and height (H) as per table below(mm)
Nominal inner dia. Allowed tolerance
Normal class
≤14 ±0.35
>14-18 ±0.40
>18-25 ±0.45
>25-30 ±0.50
>30-40 ±0.60
>40-50 ±0.65
>50-60 ±0.70
Tolerance of inner diameter (d) as per the table below  (mm)
Inner diameter Allowed tolerance
Normal class
d1 +0.40
Die blanks for reducing diameter of nuts
Zhuzhou ourek hard alloy co. LTD_Carbide Cutting tools|Carbide end mills|Carbide rotary burrs

Type Dimension   Type Dimension
  d   D Range of L   d1 α。   d   D Range of L   d1 α。
BS02114- 2.1 14 15-30 2.5 20 BS08430- 8.4 30 25-54 9.3 20
BS02116- 2.1 16 15-30 2.5 20 BS10030- 10.0 30 14-20 11.4 20
BS03114- 3.1 14 15-30 3.5 20 BS10228- 10.2 28 25-54 11.4 20
BS03116- 3.1 16 15-30 3.5 20 BS10230- 10.2 30 25-54 11.4 20
BS03914- 3.9 14 15-35 4.5 20 BS11940- 11.9 40 30-40 13.2 20
BS03916- 3.9 16 15-35 4.5 20 BS12040- 12.0 40 14-20 13.4 20
BS04516- 4.5 16 10-20 5.9 20 BS14040- 14.0 40 14-40 15.4 20
BS04716- 4.7 16 15-35 5.4 20 BS17545- 17.5 45 20-54 19.3 20
BS04718- 4.7 18 20-35 5.4 20 BS19545- 19.5 45 20-30 21.25 20
BS06520- 6.5 20 20-42 7.2 20 BS21050- 21.0 50 20-30 22.75 20
BS06522- 6.5 22 10-42 7.9 20 BS24060- 24.0 60 25-30 25.75 20
BS08030- 8.0 30 10-20 9.4 20 BS26560- 26.5 60 25-30 28.63 12
BS08426- 8.4 26 25-54 9.3 20 BS32070- 32.0 70 25-30 34.13 12
Tolerance of inner diameter(d) of the blanks as per table below   (mm)
Nominal inner dia. Nominal length
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
≤6 0-0.45 0-0.55 0-0.65 -
>6-10 0-0.50 0-0.60 0-0.70 0-0.80
>10-14 0-0.55 0-0.70 0-0.80 0-0.90
>14-18 0-0.60 0-0.80 0-0.90 0-1.00
>18-24 0-0.65 0-0.90 0-1.00 0-1.10
>24 0-0.70 0-1.00 0-1.10 0-1.20
Tolerance of out diameter(D) as per table below  (mm)
Nominal out diameters Nominal length
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
  ≤14 +0.50
>14-18 +0.55
>18-24 +0.60
>24-30 +0.65
>30-45 +0.70
>44-55 +0.75
>55   - +0.90

Tolerance of blank height(H) as per table below  (mm)
Nominal out diameters Nominal diameters
≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
≤14 +0.50
>14-18 +0.55
>18-24 +0.60 +0.60
-0.40 -0.40
+0.65 +0.70
-0.45 -0.45
>24-30 +0.65 +0.65
-0.45 -0.45
+0.70 +0.75
-0.50 -0.50
>30-45 +0.70 +0.70
-0.50 -0.50
+0.75 +0.80
-0.60 -0.60
>44-55 +0.75
>55 - +0.90
The flatness as per table below
Nominal length ≤18 >18-30 >30-50 >50
Flatness ≤ 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.55
The flatness as per table below
Type Dimension
d D H α°
BR0902022 9.0 20 22 1° 30′
BR0942022 9.4 20 22 1° 30′
BR1042120 10.4 21 20 1° 30′
BR1222520 12.2 25 20 1° 30′
BR1253022 12.5 30 22 1° 30′
BR1302520 13.0 25 20 1° 30′
BR1303022 13.0 30 22 1° 30′
BR1883622 18.8 36 22 1° 30′
BR1923622 19.2 36 22 1° 30′
BR1943220 19.4 32 20 1° 30′
BR2204022 22.0 40 22 1° 30′
BR2253820 22.5 38 20 1° 30′
BR2254022 22.5 40 22 1° 30′
BR2354022 23.5 40 22 1° 30′
BR2393820 23.9 38 20 1° 30′
BR2424022 24.2 40 22 1° 30′
BR2884720 28.8 47 20 1° 30′
BR3084720 30.8 47 20 1° 30′
BR3124622 31.2 46 22 1° 30′
BR3184720 31.8 47 20 1° 30′
Tolerance of punching dies for batteries as per table below  (mm)
Allowed tolerances
D d H
±0.6 8-24 0 /-0.8 ±0.5
>24-48 0 /-1.0
Combination die blanks for making hexagonal nuts
Zhuzhou ourek hard alloy co. LTD_Carbide Cutting tools|Carbide end mills|Carbide rotary burrs
  Type Dimension (mm)   Type Dimension (mm)
BP1100621 11.0 6 21 BP2501432 25.0 14.0 32
BP1100721 11.0 7 21 BP2601223 26.0 12.5 23
BP1300621 13.0 6.5 21 BP2601237 26.0 12.0 37
BP1500820 15.0 8 20 BP2751436 27.5 14.0 36
BP1601220 16.0 12 20 BP2801123 28.0 11.0 23
BP1800921 18.0 9 21 BP2801323 28.0 13.0 23
BP1801021 18.0 10 21 BP2801143 28.0 11.0 43
BP1800929 18.0 9 29 BP2801343 28.0 13.0 43
BP1801029 18.0 10 29 BP2901835 29.0 18.0 35
BP2001028 20.0 10.5 28 BP3001442 30.0 14.0 42
BP2001128 20.0 11.5 28 BP3001542 30.0 15.0 42
BP2251328 22.5 13.0 28 BP3101347 31.0 13.0 47
BP2251428 22.5 14.0 28 BP3251446 32.5 14.5 46
BP2301121 23.0 11.0 21 BP3301226 33.0 12.5 26
BP2301221 23.0 12.5 21 BP3301251 33.0 12.5 51
BP2301133 23.0 11.0 33 BP3601326 36.0 13.0 26
BP2301233 23.0 12.5 33 BP3601356 36.0 13.0 56
BP2501332 25.0 13.0 32      
Blanks for cutting materials
Zhuzhou ourek hard alloy co. LTD_Carbide Cutting tools|Carbide end mills|Carbide rotary burrs
  Type Dimension (mm)
d T L S I R α° r
HQ0201012 2 10 12 1 - 5 - -
HQ0341616 3.4 16 16 2.5 - 8 - -
HQ0461616 4.6 16 16 4 - 8 - -
HQ0541616 5.4 16 16 5 - 8 - -
HQ0641012 6.4 10 12 2 - 5 - -
HQ0641616 6.4 16 16 5 - 8 - -
HQ0402525 4 25 25 3 5 12.5 5 -
HQ0842222 8.4 22 22 5.5 - 11 - -
HQ0942222 9.4 22 22 8 - 11 - -
HQ0802525 8 25 25 4.5 5 12.5 5 -
HQ0803030 8 30 30 6 5 15 5 0.5
HQ1003030 10 30 30 10 3 15 6 -
HQ1403635 14 36 35 13 3 18 6 -
Allowable tolerance of L(length), T(width) and S(thickness) of tips are listed in the table below (mm)
Basic dimensions Tolerance Basic dimensions Tolerance
≤6 ±0.2 >25~40 ±0.6
>6~12 ±0.3 >40~55 ±0.7
>12~25 ±0.4  
Allowable tolerances of the flatness are listed in the table below   (mm)

Basic dimensions ≤8 >18~30 >30
Tolerance 0.15 0.2 0.25
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